It’s Turtle Crossing Season!

Become part of the Clemleddy Turtle Rescue Team!

Whether in search of a territory to call their own or a new spot to nest, turtles are (slowly but surely) on the move. In order to raise awareness for these little road-crossing speed racers, we are asking our community to take action!

 Follow These Safety Tips To Help a Turtle Cross the Road:


  1. Please, use extreme caution when rescuing turtles from the road!
  2.  Pull completely off to the side of the road and put on your hazard lights
  3. When picking up a turtle, grasp it on either side of the shell, behind the front legs
  4. Hold the turtle low, close to the ground in case it pushes out of your grip
  5. Never pick a turtle up by its tail!
  6. If the turtle is large (with a long tail), it may be a snapping turtle – they can be aggressive, do not pick them up! Instead, push them along from behind with a blunt object, do not poke at them with a sharp object
  7. Always send the turtle in the direction it was heading, do not turn it around. The turtle is on a mission to find a home!

Snap a picture during/after your turtle rescue and send it to the Clemleddy Turtle Rescue Team!

Send pictures to [email protected]


We can all help turtles safely cross the road to reach their destinations!